Become future ready.
With our proven search process, industry knowledge and worldwide network, KLR Executive Search Group has successfully completed searches for the best executives in major corporations and organizations.
This is a responsibility we take seriously and we work every day to meet with integrity and results.
Step 1: Research
Define specific search assignment through our due diligence meetings. Creation of position description, org charts and relevant materials. Identify qualified candidates based on defined criteria and extensive research capabilities.
Step 2: Search & Qualify
Comprehensive candidate development and initial references. Perform candidate interviews: screening analysis to qualify candidates. Candidate profile suite: written progress report, interviewing and retention tips. Candidate interviews. Client and candidate post-interview debriefing.
Step 3: Secure Talent
Client interviews selected, pre-qualified candidates. Strategize with client on securing ideal candidate. Candidate offer and negotiation/acceptance.
Step 4: Post Hire
New hire orientation checklists for both client and new employee. Share on-boarding program. Post-search follow-up. Ongoing strategic business partnership.